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As national labor shortages continue to pose challenges for organizations, efficient project planning and resource allocation have become paramount. While traditional tools like Excel and Microsoft Project have been used for tracking and forecasting, there is a need for a more robust solution. Introducing TeamBuilder, a cloud-based software application developed by CIS to address this pressing problem.


TeamBuilder allows users to easily view projects, resources, and assignments with a simple click. It offers the flexibility to update information regularly after planning meetings and provides the capability to create future project scenarios without affecting the current master plan.


With its advanced filters, such as proximity to project location and availability by date ranges, executives can efficiently plan future projects by searching, dragging, and dropping resources onto open assignments. Future integrations with AI and machine learning will further enhance team building and analysis.

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Strengths Based Development = Minimized Risk:

TeamBuilder ensures the construction and management of well-rounded project teams. By selecting teams based on skillset and experience, project risks are reduced, leading to fewer potential losses. TeamBuilder also identifies skill gaps, providing opportunities for development and training, resulting in even more skilled teams moving forward.


Minimized Gap Days = Reduced Overhead:

TeamBuilder identifies and eliminates gap days, which refer to the time between the end of one project and the start of another. By creating efficient plans that minimize downtime, TeamBuilder keeps overhead costs down and maximizes resource utilization.


Effective Resource Utilization = On-Budget Projects:

TeamBuilder features a unique resource utilization algorithm designed by project management professionals for long-term planning and resource forecasting. This algorithm considers variables such as the maximum number of projects in an ideal plan, project and assignment weighting, and a utilization outlook window. Combined with real-time cost data, this metric ensures that project plans stay on or under budget.


Knowledge Consolidation = Enhanced Efficiency:

Data is often scattered across individuals, spreadsheets, and even lost in some cases. TeamBuilder allows organizations to consolidate all project information with just a few clicks. This streamlines information gathering and analysis, saving valuable time for executives.

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